Hey there! I'm

Anthony Tedja.

Welcome to my page!

I bug fixes.


profile picture
hello speech bubble

🖐 hello world!

Hey, I'm Anthony, a Computer Science Specialist at the University of Toronto 🎓 and Director of Technology 💻 in the Math and Computer Science Society.

Some of my interests are in Web Development 🌐, UX Design ✨ and Artificial Intelligence 🛸. A few technologies I have been working with recently are AWS, Docker and OpenCV.

Outside of the tech space, I enjoy playing guitar 🎸 as well as photography 📷. I'm most likely playing volleyball 🏐 or watching a kdrama 🎬 at the moment!



click me pointing arrow
animated cat
    "theme": ,

    "@anthonytedja": [
...you get it